Back pain is a common complaint I hear from many people- both young and old. This could be the result of an injury, sitting long periods of time, poor posture or as simple as an individual’s weight. Everyday tasks can become a huge problem if the backache and soreness...
When things don’t go our way- whether at home, work or with our health, it is natural to feel surprised and disappointed. We begin to focus on everything we could have done differently to change the outcome or have this desperate need for our reality to be different than...
One of the blessings of being human is that we get to experience love. Many of us fall into the habit of looking to others to feel loved and we often overlook the one person that has the capability to love us unconditionally- that's the person looking back at...
We live in a culture where demand for instant fixes is seeping into every aspect of our lives. When it comes to physical illness, we are prescribed medications to fix the symptoms and overlook the cause. Our approach is no different when it comes to dealing with mental struggles...
Most of our struggles are self-created, arising from the wrong understanding of who we are in this world. In body matrix, we live a life of cravings and attachments, where unconditional love of the self is non-existent. To heal and thrive in the power of unconditional self-love, one must learn to release themselves from the clasps of these experiences that arise in body matrix.
All of us have struggles. It is one of the conditions of this human experience. Our struggles can be gross or subtle. It can be in the form of extreme physical and mental pain and torment to subtle inner conflicts. Overcoming our struggles can only be achieved by setting an intention of cultivating Self-Love. When this intention is created, one begins to enter the matrix that is conscious, the 'Soul Matrix'.