To become a spectator of one’s own life is to escape the suffering of life – Oscar Wilde
THE PROBLEM- Living in the Body matrix
We live in a culture where demand for instant fixes is seeping into every aspect of our lives. When it comes to physical illness, we are prescribed medications to fix the symptoms and overlook the cause. Our approach is no different when it comes to dealing with mental struggles in life. We try to fix our inner conflicts by zealously looking for instant escape outside of us and unconsciously getting addicted to that quick fix.
Quick fixes mostly serve as a band-aid; as soon as the band-aid comes off, the struggle is back. In order to permanently release ourselves from unnecessary self-inflicted suffering, finding the root cause is crucial.
The root cause of most of our struggles originates from the wrong understanding of who we are in this world. Until we learn to live from the soul matrix, our thoughts and actions are slaves to the trappings of Self-Pride, Self-Rejection, and Self-Indulgence in the body matrix. Reaching for quick fixes externally to ease struggles will only perpetuate our experiences in the body matrix.
THE SOLUTION – Living in The Soul Matrix
Many of our struggles will cease to exist once we learn to escape life in the Body Matrix- an internal environment that is craving for love and validation, and live in the Soul Matrix- an internal environment that breeds an unconditional love of the self.
The process of escaping body matrix and living from soul matrix isn’t inevitable or automatic. It requires a conscious effort on our part.
With the right intention and consistent practice, the three marks of existence we will develop in the Soul Matrix are:
- Self-Knowledge
- Self-Acceptance
- Self-Discipline
The initial mark of existence experienced in Soul Matrix is Self-Knowledge because through committing to acquiring Self-Knowledge is how we gain Self-Acceptance, and Self-Discipline.
Self-knowledge, the first mark of existence in Soul Matrix, is knowledge of our true nature in this world of impermanence. To gain Self-Knowledge, we must engage rigorously in the practice of Self-Study.
Self-study begins with the contemplation of the following questions:
Whom do I believe to be in this world? How did I gain that understanding of myself?
Impermanent nature of our body and Mind
One must be deeply aware of the impermanence of this world – Dogen
One of the vital elements of Self-Knowledge is the understanding of the impermanent world of energy, from which we exist.
Taken from an elementary scientific approach and our own personal observation, we know that things transform when exposed to temperature. For example, water changes from solid to liquid and into gas. Another instance of this impermanence is human life-cycle; which begins with birth, followed by adolescence, adulthood, old age, and finally, death. Science has also shown that there are changes occurring in our body on a cellular level where individual cells are constantly dying and being replaced.
We accept, although at times fail to remember, the impermanence of our external material world because it is visible to our naked eyes. But how about this phenomenon occurring in our internal world- our mind?
Research shows the average person has 60,000 thoughts which come and go in their minds. These thoughts come with assigned labels that we believe define us, conditioned from a young age by our environment- family, friends, peers, teachers, media etc.
This attachment to labels- both what we perceive as positive and negative- are the cause of our struggles in this world.
Freedom from these labels arise from the understanding that similar to our external world, our labels in this world also possess an impermanent nature-
Once labeled a high school senior, in another phase of our lives we are labeled an employee.
Once labeled a fiance, when married the label changes to a spouse and perhaps overtime a widow(er) or a divorcee.
Labeled ‘pretty’ in Europe, the label changes when we visit Asia.
Once labeled a daughter, when parents are deceased does the label of a daughter truly exist in this moment or are we just holding on to the memory of what that label provided us?
Who are we, if our bodies, minds and the roles we play are in continuous movement? We are, simply, who-we-are at any given moment. You are what you say and do in this present moment, not what you said a minute ago or what you’re going to do tomorrow.
When teaching yoga, I am just a yoga instructor. In other moments I could be other things that align with that moment. I can be a blogger, an employee, a lover, a daughter, a mother, a friend and so much more. All of these roles continue to change from moment to moment.
Attaching ourselves permanently to labels as one or the other will keep us trapped in the body matrix. This message I am sharing is not new, it has been shared by many in the past. The understanding of this simple yet profound message is the foundation to living a life of fewer struggles.
Let us not label ourselves as “I’m bad” for the donut we ate or the angry words we said an hour before because that no longer exists in this moment. We simply learn from the experiences of the previous moment and flow into the present moment where we have the ability to make choices. Let us also not attach ourselves to the identity of “I’m good” for the green smoothie we drank earlier or the charity work we performed over the weekend. That person or the act no longer exists in this moment.
Notice how all labels we place upon ourselves arise from a world that is rooted in impermanence and senseless judgment. When we liberate ourselves from these labels, we release ourselves from the need to become the perfect self- we accept ourselves just as we are in each moment experiencing the Power of Now.
Furthermore, the idea of a ‘perfect self’ is just an illusion because the Self cannot be confined to a given location in time or space, for it is in continuous motion.
The interconnectedness of all things
On a broader level with a consistent study and exploration of the Self, we may begin to see and feel the interconnectedness of all things in this world as well. Science now states that we are all created of atomic energy waves and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. We are and will always connect to each other in some form of energy.
This understanding of our conditioning and awakening to our interconnected state of being is Self-Knowledge. It is through this knowledge, we find Self-Acceptance; the second mark of existence in Soul Matrix.
Self-Knowledge paves the way to Self-Acceptance in grace.
When we gain true Self-Knowledge, we no longer feel the need to reject, numb or escape any feelings because we are aware of its origin. We are capable of experiencing those feelings with this remarkable sense of acceptance knowing the nature of its impermanence. We are aware of our boundless connection to everything in this world- the oneness.
This innate knowledge of the self, leads to the acceptance of ourselves just as we are.
Self-Acceptance is an all-encompassing affirmation- when we are in acceptance of the self, we are able to embrace all facets of ourselves.
Through the knowledge of the self, Self-Acceptance is simply a state of being- where one begins to experience unconditional love. This experience of Self-Love leads us to Self-Discipline; the third mark of existence in the soul matrix.
Self-Knowledge and Self-Acceptance results in an ignition of inner peace that spawns a deep compassion and love towards ourselves and others.
The struggles will become less and less intense with the true understanding and acceptance of the Self.
The quick fixes we are conditioned to reach for in order to suppress our feelings- whether it be food, sex, alcohol, romantic love, fame, shopping or anything else outside of ourselves- will slowly subside with this awareness.
We begin to find ourselves disciplined in a way of life where we are no longer running away from the moment that contains all emotions.
This inner discipline leads to a life filled with practices of Self-Love.
The discovery of the three marks of existence in the Soul Matrix will eliminate many of our struggles and ease our suffering.
If we wish to exist in the Soul Matrix, self-study is most crucial because Self-Acceptance and Self-Discipline are dependent on Self-Knowledge. There are several ‘Self-Study practices’ that we can engage in and one of my personal favorites is Meditation- here is a well explained article on meditation by Leo Babauta
The developments of Self-Knowledge, Self-Acceptance, and Self-Discipline in soul matrix unlocks the power of self-love- the true love that helps us ease our struggles, heal our internal wounds and thrive in this world.
In Soul Matrix, we exist with the awareness that one is not born to bear labels. Instead, we are born to be of service to all that we are connected and must begin with our own self.
Journey to experiencing real love begins when we no longer seek it on the outside
As Self-Love series comes to an end with this final part, I hope you realize that if you make an effort to engage in Self-Study, you can experience all the marks of unconditional love towards yourself at all times.
Much love,
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