Do you practice Self-Love in all areas of your life? Take the self-love quiz to find out!

Self-Love Quiz

Find out where you are in your practice of Self-Love!

Be honest with yourself as you answer these questions.  Do not focus on choosing the 'right' answer, instead, choose the answer that best reflects your actions.

1. Most of the time when I am alone, I do something creative, read a book, meditate or take a walk in nature
2. In a social setting I am not afraid to be authentic or act like myself.
3. When I have made a mistake, I don’t beat myself up about it. I openly admit the mistake, correct the mistake if I can, learn from it and set a sincere intention to not repeat it.
4. I consistently meditate and move my body or exercise
5. I know my identity or self-worth is not based on my physical appearance, wealth, things I own or social status. The decisions I have made and continue to make in my life reflect this principle.
6. I don’t depend on others (my partner, family or friends) to make me happy because I realize happiness comes from within.
7. When someone I love treats me bad or hurts me, I am not afraid to let them know how I feel. And if someone continues to disrespect me and hurt me, I am able to see the relationship is toxic for me, and don't find it difficult to free myself from the relationship.
8. I do not fear that if I speak my mind in a relationship, my significant other or friends will leave me.
9. When my friends invite me to an event but I know I need rest, I politely decline the invitation by telling the truth.
10. When a family member or friend gets upset with me, I focus on listening to them objectively rather than being right. I also don't hold a grudge against anyone after the incident because I don't believe in holding on to negative emotions.
11. Believe we are supposed to enjoy our work. So when I have found something I love to do, I find ways to pursue it.
12. If I have done a good job, but no one points it out, I don't let that bother me or affect my work ethic. I am content knowing I have done my best.
13. When challenges arise in my path, I don’t let fear control me or give up. I find creative ways to overcome the challenge.
14. When I am overworked or treated poorly at my job, I am not afraid to let management know about the situation and set boundaries.
15. I am not afraid to follow my heart or pursue my passion regardless of what people will say or think about me.
16. When I feel I am not good at something, I don’t beat myself up about it because I know life is about constant learning and evolving.
17. When someone criticizes me, I don’t let that define me. I look at it objectively in order to see if there is a lesson I can take away from it.
18. When I find out someone doesn’t like me, it doesn’t bother me because I realize it is simply their perception of me.
19. I release my stress either through meditation, or mindful movements such as Yoga or Taichi.
20. I don't always have to look put together. I feel perfectly fine being seen as I am. And my daily life reflects this.
21. When it's time to eat, I am mindful and focuses on choosing food that will nourish my body.
22. When I notice negative thoughts about my body, I practice compassion because I know this physical body does not define who I am.
23. I move my body or exercise not to look a certain way but because I am interested in a better quality of life and I do it for those who love me.
24. I only have sex with someone who shows respect towards my body and my feelings towards sex.
25. I view my body as a wonderful medium to all my joyful experiences on earth. I stay away from all extreme habits such as heavy drinking, smoking, or taking drugs because I realize they can harm my body. I also don't torture my body by following extreme diets or exercises with the idea of obtaining a perfect body.

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