The greatest thing about debates, as opposed to arguments, is that emotions such as anger, pride or resentment that come up when we are convicted in the rightness of our position are of no value. Our personal beliefs are of no value. I am a believer of Gandhi’s and MLK’s principles when dealing...
It is not easy to stay calm and emotionally strong when the mind begins to create stories that induce feelings of stress and fear. They feel real. We feel it in our minds and our bodies. Where do Stress and Fear come from? It originates in the body and mind. Feelings of fear and stress cannot....
Labels are not for me but if you must label me, Above all, label me Love! Because I see you in me and myself in you. Labels are not for me but if you must label me, Label me love! Because Love covers all...
What I am sharing in this post is my personal experience. I am in no way qualified to say what is best for another person. I felt the urge to
A student went to his meditation teacher and said, “My meditation is horrible! I feel so distracted, my legs ache, or I’m constantly falling asleep. It’s just horrible!” “It will
Most of us wish to live in this world from a place of love, compassion, authenticity, courage, vulnerability and confidence. In other words, from the HIGHER SELF.